import React, {useEffect, useState} from 'react'; const { __ } = wp.i18n; export function SearchDropdown( props ) { const [searchResultsFieldStatus, setSearchResultsFieldStatus] = useState( 'closed' ); const [textareaValue, setTextareaValue] = useState( '' ); const [dropdownMarkup, setDropdownMarkup] = useState( '' ); const [reset, setReset] = useState( false ); let searchResultsItems = []; /** * Sets the dropdown content when there's a change on any of props.searchResults, props.showDefaultMessage, props.showNoResultsMessage */ useEffect(() => { if ( props.searchResults ) { searchResultsItems = props.searchResults; } else { searchResultsItems = []; } if ( ! props.showDefaultMessage && ! props.showNoResultsMessage ) { setDropdownMarkup( printItems() ); } else { setDropdownMarkup( dropdownContent() ); } }, [props.searchResults, props.showDefaultMessage, props.showNoResultsMessage], reset); /** * Initially sets the dropdown content to the default message. */ useEffect( () => { setDropdownMarkup( getDefaultMessage() ); }, [] ); /** * On dropdown container focus, the textarea gets focused so user can start typing immediately. * @param el */ const handleSearchDropdownFocus = ( el ) => { if ( 'closed' === searchResultsFieldStatus ) { const textarea = el.currentTarget.querySelector( 'textarea' ); if ( 'undefined' !== typeof textarea && textarea !== null ) { textarea.tabIndex = '-1'; textarea.focus(); } } } const handleSearchDropdownClick = ( el ) => { } /** * On keydown sets the value of textarea. * @param el */ const handleSearchDropdownKeyDown = ( el ) => { setTextareaValue( el.currentTarget.value ) setSearchResultsFieldStatus( 'open' ); } /** * Expands results area upon textarea focus. * @param el */ const handleTextareaFocus = ( el ) => { setSearchResultsFieldStatus( 'open' ); } const handleSearchDropdownBlur = ( el ) => { const blurTimer = setInterval(function() { const resultsWrapperId = `sui-select-dropdown-wrap-${}`, textareaId = `search-dropdown-textbox-${}`, rendererWrapId = `blc-search-dropdown__renderer_wrap-${}`; if ( resultsWrapperId !== && textareaId !== && rendererWrapId !== ) { setSearchResultsFieldStatus( 'closed' ); setTextareaValue( '' ); } clearInterval( blurTimer ); }, 160); } const handleResultsContainerClick = ( el ) => { el.currentTarget.tabIndex = '-1'; el.currentTarget.focus(); } const clearDropdown = () => { setSearchResultsFieldStatus( 'closed' ); setTextareaValue( '' ); //props.searchResults = []; setDropdownMarkup( ''); //props.showDefaultMessage = true; //props.showNoResultsMessage = false; setDropdownMarkup( getDefaultMessage() ); setReset( true ) } const printItems = () => { if ( typeof searchResultsItems !== 'undefined' && searchResultsItems.length > 0 ) { return ( (listItem) => ( ( typeof listItem !== 'undefined' && listItem.hasOwnProperty( 'key' ) ) &&
Najlepsze Wyp\u0142acalne Kasyna Internetowe W Polsce 2024<\/p>\n
Polskie kasyna online oferuj\u0105 szeroki wyb\u00f3r gier z wysokimi wyp\u0142atami. Mo\u017cesz obstawia\u0107 automaty, gry sto\u0142owe i karciane, gry z jackpotem i gry unces krupierem na \u017cywo. Najwi\u0119ksz\u0105 popularno\u015bci\u0105 w\u015br\u00f3d polskich graczy ciesz\u0105 si\u0119 automaty unces wysokim RTP. Jak wida\u0107, w najlepiej wyp\u0142acalnych kasynach on the web automat\u00f3w z przyzwoitymi wyp\u0142atami nie brakuje. Dlatego na pocz\u0105tek zalecamy wybranie gry dla zabawy, some sort of nie na pieni\u0105dze,” “we przetestowanie powy\u017cszych automat\u00f3w do gry, graj\u0105c bez \u017cadnego ryzyka. Dzi\u0119ki temu nabierzemy wprawy w rozgrywce i nie wydamy ani grosza, zanim nie znajdziemy idealnej dla siebie maszyny hazardowej.<\/p>\n